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American Exceptionalism is Great

President Obama’s Afghanistan Speech at West Point

Here’s video of President Obama’s December 1, 2009 speech at West Point about U.S. war strategy in Afghanistan.

Whoops! That’s not it! We’ve accidentally posted a sanitized version of General Patton’s speech to the Third Army on the eve of the Allied invasion of France during World War II. Patton’s speech was meant to motivate U.S. troops that were going to be under fire.

Here’s President Obama’s reasons we should pull out of Afghanistan, undermining the command of General Stanley McChrystal’s leadership defense of his politically motivated reduction of requested troop strength strategy for pulling out of Afghanistan when the crippled strategy fails is finished.

As stated by the President, “as a country, we’re not as young and perhaps not as innocent as we were when Roosevelt was president”.

I’m sure that General George S. Patton would not agree with the C.I.C.’s assessment.


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