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Entries Tagged as 'Dogs'

Our Pride and Joy

I am addicted to reading about Vox’s adorable puppies, Tango and Cash, and I promised her that I would return the favor by posting about our four-legged family members.

These are our wonderful, amazing German Shepherds.  They are super smart, and if you’re not careful, they will have you trained to do what they want in record time.  I learned this the hard way when I became a member of the pack about six years ago.

They like things to be orderly, and there is a procedure for just about everything (they are German, after all).

She is a white German Shepherd, and is most definitely the Alpha dog around here.

He is a Super-Sized East German Shepherd of the working variety.  He’s a 125 pound clown, and about the size of a small pony.  Despite his intimidating size and powerful bark, he wouldn’t hurt a fly carpenter bee butterfly non-insect being.

Before these guys, I had always been a cat (and iguana) owner.  I had no idea how much joy an animal could bring in to my life until I became a dog owner.  I am loved, protected and cherished in a way that I never imagined – the more I love and care for them, the more they love me right back.

I’m still an big lover of all animals, but you’re just not going to get the same affection and attention from an iguana.


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